The housing is provided with an operation control panel which is provided with a liquid crystal display screen and a function key as well as a power switch. 外壳上设置有操控面板,操控面板上设置有液晶显示屏和功能按键以及电源开关。
Use the display mode drop-down list control and select catalog to switch the page to catalog mode. 使用“显示模式”下拉列表控件并选择“目录”以将页切换到目录模式。
To Realize the Display of Tap Changing Switch for Main Transformer through Adding Code System Conversion Box on Panel Terminal 在屏端子上加装码制转换盒实现主变压器分接开关位置显示
Strategy and Template Method pattern are used to encapsulate display algorithm, support multi-strategy and allow dynamically switch them in runtime. 本论文使用MVC模式实现显示系统的数据组织,显示和用户输入的分离,并使用Strategy和TemplateMethod模式封装算法,支持多种显示算法及其动态切换。
In engineering design of integrated automation of substation, the display of tap changing switch position for main transformer is to add position transducer in the conventional scheme. 在变电站综合自动化工程设计中,对于主变压器分接开关位置的显示,常规方案是需加装档位变送器。
The complete outside system includes the MCU controlling and handling circuit, keyboard control, LCD display, the sending circuit, the receiving circuit, fee serial communication interface, the analog switch controlling circuit and the power supply management circuit etc. 完整的体外系统包括单片机控制处理电路、键盘控制和LCD显示、信号发射电路、信号接收电路、串行通信电路、模拟开关控制电路以及电源管理电路等。
This paper suggests the method and theory to implement cover and transparence of multilayer files in CAD display, which can significantly simplify the program, decrease memory size, and increase switch speed. 本文提出一种实现CAD图形显示中多层文件或图纸的遮盖与透视的方法和理论,可以大大减少程序量和存储空间,提高各文件的转换速度。
The slave computer consists of a power source, a keyboard, a LED display, print prot, multiplex switch and A/ D converter and can run alone or works in coordination with master computer connected with RS-232 serial port. 下位机由电源、键盘、LED显示器、打印接口和多路开关及A/D转换器构成。下位机能独立运行,也可通过RS&232串行口与上位机联合工作。
Image display workstations have been connected to the PACS server by a bus topology through switch equipments. PACS服务器采用星型拓扑结构与各设备连接,图像浏览终端通过交换机采用总线结构与PACS服务器连接。
Moving station consists of GPS receiver, Single processor, taximeters, IC card manager, Liquid crystal display, warning switch and serial port for receiving and transmitting. 移动站主要由GPS接收机、单片机、计价器、IC卡管理器、液晶显示器、报警开关和串行口数据发送接收部分组成。
Electrochromic ( EC) materials are one of functional materials, which have very good application future. It can be used widely in large-area display, light switch, unglaring viewfinder, deposited devices, building glass and smart windows. 电致变色材料是一种很有应用前途的功能材料,它在大型显示、光开关、无炫光镜、电致变色储存器件与建筑窗玻璃、灵巧窗上都有广阔的应用前景。
Second, this paper discusses a detailed design process of foreground user interface, background data processing procedures, real-time display of switch alarm, and remote control operation. 其次,论述了前台用户界面、后台数据处理程序、实时显示开关报警和远程遥控操作等主要模块的详细设计过程。
Furthermore, for the display flicker problem, the paper focuses on the dynamic display of real-time refresh technology to ensure flicker-free and natural switch screen display. 其次,针对显示画面经常会出现闪烁问题,论文重点研究了显示画面的动态实时刷新技术,保证了画面无闪烁显示,实现了显示画面之间的自然切换。
In recent years, photochromic compounds have shown great potential applications in the area of information storage, electronic display, optical switch, etc. Low-molecular mass organogelators ( LMOGs) research has also become a new field in the area of chemistry, physics and materials science. 近年以来,光致变色化合物在信息储存、电子显示、光学开关等领域有着巨大的潜在应用,有机小分子凝胶也已成为化学、物理和材料学等交叉学科研究的新领域之一。
It can be used to fabricate display devices, high frequency filters, emitting diode, lasers and high-speed optical switch. Therefore, it has great uses in both civil and military fields. 它可用与制作发光显示器件、高频滤波器、发光二极管、激光器、高速光开关等器件,在民用及军事领域都有着重要的用途。
System of station field real-time monitoring motor switch, analysis, display and alarm monitoring, monitoring data storage, report generation and other functions including motor fault switch. 系统实现了对站场转辙机电动机的实时监测,包括转辙机电动机的故障分析与报警、实时监测显示、监测数据存储、报表生成等功能。
This design using ARM micro processing chip, sampling circuit, TFT display screens, etc constitute a double power supply switch system, the realization of common, the automatic backup power supply switch. 本设计利用ARM微处理芯片、采样电路、TFT显示屏等构成双电源自动切换系统,实现对常用、备用电源的自动切换。
In this paper, it implements the design of the master control modules with rain brush control, instrument display, the lights switch control, water motor, alarm horn control, and other functions. 论文主要设计了车身控制系统的主控制器模块,具有雨刷控制、仪表显示、车灯开关控制、喷水电机、报警喇叭控制等功能。
The computer through the communication interface control all the intelligence And display, And the communication interface performs and detects the switch and the transform of communication datum, so to ensure the correct communication between computer and single-chip microcomputer. 计算机通过通信接口控制所有智能监测仪,显示器,通信接口完成通信信号的转换、驱动,保证计算机和单片机数据通信正确。
There have two versions. The stand-alone version is used for laboratory sensor calibration and temperature display. The multiplex version combined with optical switch is used for multiplexing FBG sensor network and engineering applications. 该软件分两个版本,一是单机版,用于实验室传感器标定和温度显示;另外一个是复用版本,与光开关相结合,实现多传感器的检测网络设计,用于实验室大量传感器标定和工程应用。
The fourth part concentrates on one important display of power presentation-Conversation Power Switch. 第四部分,着重分析了权力的一个重要体现&话语权转变。
This system not only realized time division and color separation stereoscopic display functions, but also can switch between two modes. 该方案不仅包含了分时立体和分色立体两种主流的立体显示模式,并包含了两者之间的切换。
The functions of parameter settings, data storage, manual power outages, gas drainage, feedback settings, abnormal display, analog display, switch quantity display, data query, report generation and print are realized by the software. 通过该软件,实现了系统的参数设置、数据存储、手动断电、瓦斯抽放、馈电设置、异常显示、模拟量显示、开关量显示、数据查询、报表生成与打印等功能。
By configurable design, 3 kinds of wide screen display modes and switch among them is implemented. 尺寸放大采用的是双三次插值算法,本文通过可配置的电路设计,硬件实现了3种宽屏显示以及这三种显示模式的切换。
For more display cases, we can use video switching technology to switch displaying of different content in the LCD screen through the software interface and a variety of processing software connecting, and switching function will be accomplished by the button. 对于显示内容较多的情形,再通过软件接口和各种处理软件连接,采用视频切换技术在LCD液晶屏幕上切换显示不同的内容,通过按键进行屏幕切换。
High-speed guided-wave acousto-optic modulator can be used in optical communication, optical information processing, optical sensing and display field by using the control of SAW to light, such as modulation, switch and the control to the light propagation direction. 利用声波对光波的调制、开关以及对光束传播方向的控制作用而实现的集成声光器件可以广泛应用到光通信、光信息处理、光传感及显示等领域。